

Lover of Comics, Cartoons & other geeky junk.
I Draw a lot.
I Tweet a lot.

#nostalgitoons #cartoonopinions

フォロー数:3204 フォロワー数:2660

Started playing "Ghost of Tsushima" today. It's different

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Back in Nov. 2015 they did a slew of DC/Looney Tunes covers. Really good art for the most part

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This twitter is becoming Sonic heavy again. Oh well

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I miss Rina Cat from Malaysia. Wonder if she still is drawimg stuff..?

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A few more pics of Ms. Magenta from 2014-2017

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These are a little old now, but more examples of Jason's art skillz

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How did I wind up with 2 copies of Sonic Universe vol.8?

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Had no idea they made a manga based on 14. English version is available, kinda want

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