Sarah Habershonさんのプロフィール画像

Sarah Habershonさんのイラストまとめ

Art director, G2, the Guardian’s daily features section. Tweets are my own view.

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Imagine being treated like this. Today's G2 cover story. Cover designed by Photo by Fabio de Paola

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Today's g2 cover story. Taylor Swift: Will her new album silence her critics? Designed by me

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Guardian Review today - beautiful painting by Jackie Morris from book The Lost Words by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris

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The worst of times. Or the best of times? Oliver Burkeman on the New Optimism. Illustration by for Guardian long read today

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Tomorrow's Review cover by A new May Day Manifesto. Ken Loach, Howard Jacobson + On how to make the world a better place

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Robert MacFarlane on classic book: The Peregrine. Illustration by

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Time travellers, ahoy! Guardian Review today. Cover illustration by

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Dave Eggers travels through post-election America. Illustration by in Review today

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Great tips if you want to write a novel. A great read if you don't. Illustration by

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Don't be shy: When writers hide behind their words. Beautiful illustration by This is a great read.

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