ZF SovietWombleさんのプロフィール画像

ZF SovietWombleさんのイラストまとめ

Fairly inactive here. Twitter is something of a hell site. Best avoided.

フォロー数:43 フォロワー数:245137

BewBewDingo made this from that picture of Lulu this afternoon :D

67 2781

Saturday VR streams visualised - by BewBewDingo!

22 1293

We are NOT having "SovietDabbing" and "SovietDaddy" emotes on Twitch!!

4 307

He sent me this after I asked what his qualifications were, working in mall security.

23 2114

Lulu is back from the vets having just been spayed. The surgery went smoothly and she's recovering from the sedative. She's VERY stoned. Just staring off into empty space. High as a fucking kite, folks.

248 6186

What the ever loving hell is that?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?

2 156