

Just someone who loves painting miniatures, drawing, and anime...

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This is good model update. Also, weird as it is, happy they kept the Termagaunts Fleshborers "gun-like" look 😁

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That floating, bulbous Zoanthrope-like Nid from trailer, is it the Doom of Malan'tai? 🤔

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Whenever faction battle & won against its always considered a pyrrhic victory. Best example are Ultramarines & Craftworld Iyanden

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Just little reminder that most guns, yes that include its "bullets", are alive & separate living being.

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In many sci-fi alien swarm factions, there's always one bug type serving as brute/tank form for said swarms

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Looking back at Battle of Macragge, I'm surprise planet Macragge still (somewhat) intact after Hive Fleet Behemoth onslaught

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I myself build Space Marines I always think super-soldiers are cool & pick Black Templars Chapter because I love their knight-like aesthetics.

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The only faction considered "not evil" or "least evil" I could think of are Tyranids as they come to the galaxy only to consume everything in it.

But then again they kill/eat their prey in such brutal and horrifying ways so... many do consider them as evil 😅

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With Dark Angels be the next SM focus, might try painting DA scheme soon

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Still prefer her sister though

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