

Thriller / 21 / He/Him / Australian / Aspiring Cartoonist
Vampire uncle hyperfixing on Sonic and Pandemonium 2 a lot but I upload a mix! SFW but gore sometimes!

フォロー数:72 フォロワー数:41



G'day, it's me that weird vampire fellow, here to bust into your feed again.
So I forget that I have social media's sometimes, but when I do remember it gives me the spicy anxiety ahah,,
Anyhow, I'm here now uploading some more fresh stuff, ArtFight attacks from this year. [1/4]

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Then finally, my art summary for last year while it might still be slightly relevant, haha.
[Template by @/mossygator]

Apologies to anyone who had to witness my big spam,,

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Ay last few things to post I promise,,
An experimental piece I done a few months back that I still really like.

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Some miscellaneous stuff of my persona Ellis.
He's just a funny tall man.

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A selection of Christmas artworks I done for my boys. ❤️

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Birthday artworks for my boys,,
Latest one was around early December.

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Moved in October so I asked some buds of mine if I could stuff around and experiment some more with doing some art of their characters while I didn't really have much internet, haha.

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