

Se dovessi descrivermi in poche parole, direi di essere una disegnatrice ossessiva e una inguaribile Otaku. Ja ne ∽

フォロー数:2047 フォロワー数:69

In-depth analysis of Design, part 1. What was said about Sprigatito evolution?
Three key words were used to describe it: mask, thief and magician.
To represent the Mask I decided to opt for 2 well-known characters: Arlecchino and Pulcinella.

Tomorrow for more details 😌

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First of all I would like to thank for all the compliments I have received for my interpretation of Sprigatito evolution in the past few days, so I wanted to give it a more definitive and clean shape, with a better color resolution.

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I admit that it is very pleasant to draw 💕

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