

23 | multi fandom | often draw OC+ lore dump
➵ Freelance illustrator/character designer
➵ Contact for work: [email protected]

フォロー数:287 フォロワー数:136338

"You wanna give it a shot ?💕"

67 600

okayyy one last sketch before sleep

43 588

Ahahaa finally got the time to draw this
Thank you all for your supports!!💕 Honestly i never thought i could go this far (´;ω;`)

131 1057

Asuka and Lili, but their roles switched

263 1593

One last sketch before sleep

25 329

so my class decided to celebrate Boy's Day and they want some designs for it

13 159

Oooo i'm kind of late with that meme sweater, but here ya go~

152 1270

Should i open Patreon and sell high quality artworks for stick customization and other personal uses?

53 506