

Artist & Game Dev / Other Account: @LewdUmber / Currently working on 3d modeling - umberman on discord if twitter DMs do not work

フォロー数:362 フォロワー数:514

Drawing of the day
horrid little pest

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Drawing of the day
some new brush stuff

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Drawing of the day
Daylight savings reminder gondola
it's basically an hour ahead of what you think it is right now, so get to sleep will ya!

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Drawing of the day &
Not even a ghost and a lil raspberry man

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Drawings of the day &
Dagoth Ur sees your build and a simple kettle

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Drawing of the day
when the rat see the

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Drawing of the day
lil eyeball

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Drawings of the day &
Theodore Noise and a drawing for Vampire game :)

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Drawing of the day &
A susie I made while fucking with CSP brushes and a robit lady

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Drawing of the day
Specil Guest: Spamton!!!!

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