GO TO @wolfradsenpai
🇮🇹 / Comic Artist, Writer, maybe comedian, concept artist x Directing adventure puzzle game: @searing_game mail: [email protected]

フォロー数:441 フォロワー数:9129

e impatto emotivo, pure... quindi alla fine mi sono detto "sì, ci sta". Però è vero pure che ci sono gravi mancanze oppure difetti troppo grossi
beh questa era la mia opinone, enjoy the day

0 3

grazie mille per star streammando SeaRing, doppiarlo, impegnarti per i reperti ecc, sono contentissimo, best CGI streamer

3 26

Tifa officially national treasure, it's official

34 244

this guy was just going to be a huge boss fight and the motherfucking Bard ended up literally marrying his soul and become one with him

1 21

2014 > 2018 > 2021
weird I don't have a 2016 version though

2 43

is amazing. So simple and yet so complex and full of secrets. Loved every second playing it

2 21