

‼️ ‼️1000000% NSFW‼️ ‼️NOT SPOILER-FREE ALTHOUGH I DO PUT UP WARNINGS. Follow if you're a fellow BL stan. ILLEGAL readers, pls DNI. I rarely check my DMs.

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Am I the fool who is still reading this manwha?? Pando-nim…it’s been more than 80 chapters and the it feels like I am going through a merry-go-round of angst and pure hatred for Seungeon. A merry-go-round that never stops. Where is this going? Seung-eon is irredeemable atp.

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Ahjussi’s “I’m so nervous I could die…” Will forever be a sucker for scenes where the experienced top dominant alpha male whines and confesses that he’s nervous during the lovemaking.

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“I love you so much…” This is one of my best manwhas. Never regretted picking this up and staying with it till the very end. Just look ay Euijun’s happy and earnest face with that declaration of love. Ahjussi and Euijun are lucky to have found one another. The perfect ending.

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I finally made my way back to Secret Relationships… YES FINALLY. This panel of Soohyun at the airport looking back for the last time and clinging to the last shred of hope that Daon will be there… broke my heart a little.

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And suddenly I’m transported back to 2019-2020…

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i’ll sleep with a million yeo taejus to make sure this liddol bean has everything he needs and wants…

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what wouldn’t i sacrifice for the love of this smol bean??? i get you euihyun…i totally get you…

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oh trust me haesung…you wouldn’t want to…

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FCKING RIGHT!!You can’t just lock him up, keep him with you, let him go and leave him whenever you feel like it!!! I know it’s for Nakyum’s sake, but fck….at least talk to him first instead of sneaking out like that aftet that talk with Henna??!!! Don’t make decicions for him.

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Oh wow the development of Sangchoooo…..💓

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