

PFP: @JVA_FanBoy02

フォロー数:1206 フォロワー数:125

hand this would be interesting and epic to see, in HR Bakugou OFA 100% is as strong as Deku 120% or slightly weaker than him, but now Bakugou is stronger than in HR. Now he's a bit stronger than Deku 30% and also has Panzer, Cluster, Extended Cluster and also that you have to add

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Bakugou OFA (Heroes Rising) is as strong as Deku 120% or a bit weaker than him 💀.

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ShigAFO with 100% ShigAFO, but in the end she realized that she couldn't defeat him because even though she attacked him with everything she had, ShigAFO regenerated too fast. Considering this S&S feat it is feasible to say that she is weaker than USJ Nomu, AFO and AM 100%, but

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Prime AM by BJ considering them equal. That is to say, ShigAFO is as strong as Prime AM, Prime AFO and USJ Nomu and with that great power he destroyed and humiliated strong heros such as Mirko, BJ and Bakugou and resisted attacks that were too powerful and destructive such as

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considering that with 4 months of training with Endeavor he became as strong as Deku 20% to 30%. In PLW Bakugou was as strong as Deku 30% and at the time of unlocking Cluster he managed to become stronger. It's hard to know how stronger Bakugou is with Cluster, but I like to

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since HR he has gotten stronger. Not only does his quirk is stronger than his quirk in HR, but he also has moves like Cluster which allow him to create stronger explosions and his new power up. It would be interesting to see, but many people couldn't stand to see a Two OFA Part 2

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sooner or later Deku would get the upper hand and would move better than Bakugou 100% humiliating him the same way he did with ShigAFO and defeating him. If Bakugou 100% wants to beat Deku he would need his Cluster, his new power up or even the other OFA quirks, otherwise he

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OFA or even stronger than him. The difference in power between Current Deku and Bakugou OFA 100% is the same as they had in JT. However Bakugou OFA despite being as fast as Current Deku, Bakugou could not break the laws of physics like Deku did because ShigAFO attributed it to

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is the strongest version of his character. Bakugou had to use his strongest move to emulate one of his explosions on his peak, not to mention he could do the same move but stronger with OFA (if he gets OFA currently). Imagine this 👀. In this way Bakugou OFA and Current Deku

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strong as Deku 20% in HR and considering that OFA enhance quirks, when Bakugou gets OFA and uses 100% OFA would enhance Bakugou's quirk which is as strong as 20% or even weaker, in this way Bakugou could emulate 120% on the OFA scale with his explosions like Current Deku,

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