

I am Yini I like travel very much . I like everyting which in ancient culture style and lovely cute style ↖(^ω^)↗

フォロー数:36 フォロワー数:46

终于找到了《变奏曲》的漫画,男主角真的很像吉尔贝尔(≧▽≦)🥰 I read this manga(Edoard Soltie) and the boy who plays violin good really looks like Gilbert of kazeki🥰

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What a funny picture The left is about straights of bg style and the right is about the straights of gb style😂 Yes. We are not interested in male's asshole but we are also a type of gb style. And we also is a type of straight guys. Though we are rare straight. We really exist🥺

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share pictures. Nice to saw a manga about GB story 🥺🥰很难得又看到了一本第四爱的漫画☺️#gb

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收图,《夏日之扉》的图,感觉像是看到了直发的吉尔贝尔(≧▽≦) I saw these pictures and the boy with straight blonde hair really looks like Gilbert🥰

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I saw these pictures. Who has got Mu and Aphrodite's pictures like this. Please share to me😂🥰#saintseiya

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收图,share pictures.看到了圣斗士前传里的少年时代的阿布罗狄.太可爱了(≧▽≦)
I saw this picture about Aphro in 14years old , so cute 🥰I really like the prettyboy of warriors 有战斗力的美少年这种设定我超级喜欢的🥰#aphrodite

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转图,如果星巴克员工有圣衣😂Saw a picture. If Starbucks in Saintseiya style😂so cute✪ω✪#saintseiya

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收图,新浪微博上看到的一些风木的老图(。・ω・。)ノ♡collected some pictures from Weibo about old pictures of kazeki(。・ω・。)ノ♡#kazetokinouta

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收图《社长秘书》的图😂A cool girl with her weak boss😅😂 And boss doesn't know she is a girl😂 目测是第四爱重合伪耽美的故事(≧▽≦) Though this hero isn't my dish, collected one type of gb story makes me happy.#gb

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