

Creator of Monkey Scrunk. The keeper of the cheese.

フォロー数:266 フォロワー数:112599

some honorable mentions

3 52

I love me some mechs with either massive arms or them Big ol' shoulders. https://t.co/7XJTL8Fnxg

25 327

My face when compositing

22 646

Got me a weird Toon boom issue; trying to set it up so an inverted shadow effect is rendered so it looks shaded from behind, but when I invert the shadow, even with a mask, it covers the entire stage. Any ideas what do?

16 310

What the hell is he showing him???

113 1557

Only 6 shots left to animate on ep 2

70 1267

As of now I only have 1/4 of the animation left to go on Monkey Wrench Ep 2. Currently aiming for a mid to late April release. I'm gonna be going full hermit mode for the next 3 months so if you don't hear from me or wonder why I haven't streaming in a while this is why~

48 736



For Crimmas I posted a plethora of character ref sheets for the next 7 planned episodes of Monkey over on the patreon. If you're keen in supporting the show and fancy getting a little sneak peak of things to come head on over and check it out~ https://t.co/XVtcVsg0Ve

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