

🇲🇾|お絵描き|ホロスターズ、フロムゲ、銀魂、ハイキュー、トライガン|Krita使い|SFW | (banner: @silver__sora)

フォロー数:348 フォロワー数:451

In terms of being in a guild, this makes sense.
But why is Aniki up really high...? 🥲Am I making it too obvious? https://t.co/SgPDcS8DOQ

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Gintama fans being FED fed, brothers

0 2

I... uh... got bored in class again? 🥲
MS Paint round 2

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I used to listen to his songs a lot, so this is nostalgic!

3 13

senior high school me vs college me
>from gremlin realization to gremlin veteran, i've truly grown https://t.co/aGhRNEyImg

1 5

I know some appreciate seeing the progress so-!

0 3

For the Showmen! Thank you for the amazing off-collab week (I'm late ik)
I've never cooked so hard, so I'm super poofed now haha💀

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I rarely draw chibi and rarely use MS Paint, but boring classes can make one do the unexpected :v

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