

cute but lethal, expert in excuse management, drawer, reader, listener

フォロー数:659 フォロワー数:353

Catch me I'm falling down again, I know it's a dream but just the same...

1 1

You let me hold you for the first explosion...

1 1

But you gave away the things you loved, and one of them was me...

3 6

Never understood a single word he said, but he always had some mighty fine wine...

2 5

They go up-tidily-up-up, they go down-tidily-down-down

1 2

I'm just a hunk, a hunk of burning love…

1 1

I'm gonna put this dream in motion, never let nothing stand in my way…

1 2

Here comes the sun d-d-do doo...

2 3