Angie⁷ — Twitt3r CLOSEDさんのプロフィール画像

Angie⁷ — Twitt3r CLOSEDさんのイラストまとめ

She/Her | 34 | demi/pan/polyam | Twitch Affiliate | C0MM STATUS: ✨CLOSED ✨ twitter was better before Emusk…

フォロー数:841 フォロワー数:1754

(Repost because of reasons)

I usually try to keep my FFXIV posts to my Rahera account, but --

I got a crown!! :D

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I originally drew this character in Apr 2019, and she's gonna be making a comeback for a quick little campaign with a few friends.

My art style has changed in just 2 years and I didn't even realize it.

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Ya girl is on her way to get stabbed.

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Have Thren's concept doodle as well, lol

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I'm also a space knife cat with *maximum* gremlin energy

(make your own

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Gaugaia, my bisexual goliath bardbarian. "I flex to inspire."

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Thren, my bisexual half-orc half-elf (one parent was a half-orc, one parent was a half-elf, lol) arcane trickster. He worked hard to look the way he does, and he isn't afraid to show it.

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Domine, my pansexual Elezen Machinist (from a Final Fantasy XIV-based 5E game). A little mad scientist, a little mechanical savant, a lot of tall, awkward flirtations. :')

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Zendalure, my pansexual, polyamorous drow druid — Dathrael's mother! Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, tell you hwat.

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