

He/Him || Touhou, ZE, AITSF, Blue Reflection || I have deleted all my gacha.

フォロー数:603 フォロワー数:134

I won't lie to you. I used to feel a little bad about it. But after reading that thread where the engineer said "you don't know how close Twitter was to shutting down before the 2016 US election saved it", I honestly don't give a fuck. Let chaos collapse it all.

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Would Kekkai Sensen werewolves be able to find warp/weft Tokiko? Honestly, I want to see Chain and Tokiko fight. I know she's like 70, but something about her just screams "I will beat your ass and ressurrect childhood trauma."
i guess kinda

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Part of the art process is just coping and ranting to your friends about the bullshit.

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the Blun_Z experience

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She walks into a church and the preacher's sermon lasts two extra hours.

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