

:o) drawing linktr.ee/ultsk

フォロー数:1987 フォロワー数:1598



if i told you what id been watching recently you wouldnt believe me

3 34

like its still 2014

2 47

sometimes it upsets me knowing that things wont turn out as bad as i expect them to, i guess there are worse fates than being overprepared

1 17

for about a year iv wanted to make custom infantry based on this old proto-imperial guard art and i have finally got all the right parts (unfinished)

6 39

genuine joy felt

2 41

1 year 13 days ago when i realized i should do more dumb fun drawings, there is styrofoam in my bloodstream again

1 18

there was originally gonna be a much more saturated version with framing but i decided that greyscale was better

9 53