

フォロー数:629 フォロワー数:6325

Toshiro turned that fodder into a cross 🥱 can't wait till this scene gets animated mfs gonna start respecting Toshiro https://t.co/PWPVj6CDCR

13 184

This mf gotta be the most evil villain in all of Bleach dude is a menace bro thrives off negativity 💀

56 468

Its crazy that both animes inspired by Bleach are both airing in the summer like Bleach

144 1462

The Black Sun and The White Moon

49 266

Which Bankai reveal are you the most hyped for in Cour 2 ?

21 334

This is actually insane ngl

194 1385





Dawg everybody loves making fun of Renji but don't act like he killed a whole Sternritter by himself and had one of the most coldest dialogue in all of anime and pulled one of the baddest bitches in the series

9 92

Imagine Tosen and Gin returning in the Hell arc

25 277