

Michael J. Ward, author of the solo RPG DestinyQuest gamebooks, inspired by CRPGS such as World of Warcraft and Diablo.

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So now I have had time to recover, the final word count is 255,329 words for Book 5. That's a few thousand over Raiders of Dune Sea. And to celebrate here is some artwork by the talented David Wyatt for the upcoming Kickstarter in February. Enjoy!

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Today, five hours writing a most epic ridiculous battle with awesome mechanics. Which is why I must do a website update on Mythic Monsters. Are you prepared?! No, no you are not. LOL

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Every hero has a back story. Discover the World Companion for amazing stories and adventures that have shaped the heroes that you know in the DQ world...

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A bit of a news story update on the current success of the World Companion Kickstarter.

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Learn more about the order of paladins, who anoint their bodies in holy scripture to boost their divine and physical abilities.

Join the World Companion Kickstarter to discover more

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97% funded... just need that last push! The DestinyQuest World Companion needs YOU!

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Discover the backstories and secrets of major heroes, such as the enigmatic archmage, Avian Dale. Sign up for the awesome DestinyQuest World Companion collector's edition.

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Are you ready for a whole new world of loot cards - that will take you to the next level and beyond? Ones that you upgrade through play to make ever more powerful? Oh yes, I know you do. Stay tuned for the DQ: World Companion Kickstarter - May. Get forging those weapons!

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Work complete on the Italian edition of Heart of Fire. Now onto the Italian edition of the epic Winter's Fury! Been a pleasure working with

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For those worried about Winter's Fury being out of print, I have been assured there is a reprint, but some delays with the printers.

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