Heavily inspired by the Celestial Digimon from Frontier, which draw inspiration from the highest tier of the angel hierarchy. Namely, cherubim, ophanim, and seraphim. Designed to aid Arceus, fitting into the @pokemon world.
"Dunseraph are as comfortable in the air as Dunsparce is underground. They say that Dunseraph never touch the ground. In some parts of the world, this @pokemon is worshipped by humans."
“Meep are strange @pokemon that are rarely seen. They live in forests and seem to eat the flowers of Flabébé. When resting, they wrap their long tails around branches so they don't get blown away."
"Lollick are incredibly sweet. It is said that licking one triggers all of a person's taste buds, making it impossible to not smile. Too many licks, however, can destroy the taste buds forever."
Dolfin, Delphius, and Galaxcean. Water/Psychic-types. 🔮
Inspired by dolphins in spirituality, which are thought to come from the Sirius star system (some real woo-woo shit, but I love it). Also makes me think of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.