

@tenchuras /

フォロー数:875 フォロワー数:1449

I just realized tsumugi almost never gets hit with the "!! cards looking boring as hell" beam. there's almost always a fun pose and/or interesting composition

130 932

[steals from bestie on locked] [steals from bestie on locked] [steals fr

61 413

izuleo funniest couple bc they both sleep like they were victims of a crime THIS MAN IS NOT BREATHING

28 231

the thing that draws me the most crazy about rose garden arashi is that they drew her full body for the render. like there is SO MUCH that gets cropped out in the full card but they drew all of it

43 274

im crying someone really said "marrying me is too much of an ordeal tetora's been through enough

138 944

wait.. tetora's vest has a black ribbon while chiaki's has red......

42 496