

comics and retro art account for @jiskeyjasket - there are spoilers here!

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i love this outfit for Wanda

118 759


247 1550

idk how doctor strange got anything done while she was around 😳

33 194

i laughed ngl

6 50

I wanna go into the dark dimension 😳

58 579



cleastrange in a nutshell: “the moment is rare, beautiful, supremely precious, and too quickly over. Both wish they could have more such moments”

6 32

every time she shows up I get so fucking excited

6 56

LOVING that doctor strange was willing to turn into a hot woman and seduce Dracula solely to fuck with the dude’s head

2 28

like seriously, genuinely, wow. I could spend a week breaking down a single one of these, there’s so much beauty here and the story was so whimsical and magical, kinda forgot it was a superhero story cause it was so out there

5 15