The Fluffy Folioさんのプロフィール画像

The Fluffy Folioさんのイラストまとめ

The Fluffy Folio is creating and illustrating quirky homebrew monsters, potions & items for your 5e adventures 。(◕ ◕)。…

フォロー数:374 フォロワー数:15293

Sunchaser Moth – Small fey, any alignment

The sunchaser moth is restless and spends the few years it has wandering and wondering. In no way, however, is it melancholic but it rather seeks the adventure and excitement of discovery.

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Psigaric – Small plant, neutral
Please enjoy this small fungus friend made in collab with ❤️ As always, I had a ton of fun - be sure to check them out, their fully realized cities are amazing!

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Krillowatts – Small swarm of Tiny elementals, unaligned
Inexperienced seafarers are advised to strictly keep their distance: the krillowatts literally overflow with energy ready to be released in a bursting wave of destructive power.

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Bull Dog – Medium elemental, any alignment

Thunder signifies its coming; crackling havoc its passing. Literally charging through the plains of cold and ice, the bull dog is feared and respected alike.

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Sneering Sludge Fish - Small monstrosity, any chaotic alignment
made an absolutely amazing map and I had the honor to create a creature for it! Be sure to head over and check the map out - I'll link it in the comments!<3

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Crumblet - Tiny elemental, unalinged
All its inner glow has faded, leaving the crumblet with nothing more than numb agony and perpetual emptiness. As a result, not only is its body trapped in static void but also the mind.

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Larkling – Tiny dragon, chaotic neutral
I hope you all had a wonderful start into the new year – please enjoy this tiny “hangover-prone” dragon!❤️

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Great Goose – Medium monstrosity, unaligned
Savage beasts wander the lands the scattered Mothbird tribes call home – primeval monstrosities stuck in an everlasting ice age and battling for the scarce resources their freezing world involuntarily provides.

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Just wanted to let you know that I also release huge creatures on my Patreon page:) My patrons get to decide the creature types – for November it was Celestial! Hope you enjoy the artwork!❤️

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I can’t describe how much I appreciate the wonderful feedback you gave me on the Hug Slug! Please allow me to re-upload one of my earliest creatures – I hope the Heartbold is able to express at least a tiny bit of the gratitude I’m feeling right now! You are all so amazing!<3

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