

★Art《Paintings, Photo》★Scenery ★No DM, please.🙏

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🌼Thank you as always🙏💜
.🖌️Eishi Cyobunsai (1756-1829)

7 15

This is where the little elves
Cuddle down to hide themselves;
Into fluffy beds they creep,
Say goodnight, and go to sleep.
ーCicely Mary Barker
🎨Cicely Mary Barker

5 15

Give back to the earth what you got from the earth
But in the end, there's already a beginning
Hidden in death is new life
One sunflower will fall down.
ーTakaharu Matsumoto
🖌️Koson Ohara
*Today, Japan is the 77th anniversary of the atomic

7 15

When we came home together
We found the inside weather.
All of our love unended
The quiet light demanded,
And we gave, in a look
At yellow walls and open book.
The deepest world we share...........
ーMay Sarton, "A Light Left On"
.🎨Anne Blair Brown

9 17

Love never dies a natural death.
― Anais Nin
.🎨Alexi Zaitsev

9 17

A Wind that rose
Though not a Leaf
In any Forest stirred
But with itself did cold engage
Beyond the Realm of Bird –
A Wind that woke a lone Delight
.▪️Emily Dickinson
🎨Jamie Heiden

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Easter lilies bloom in July
A Chinese peacock butterfly is coming swinging slowly,
It is reminiscent of a long time ago
✍️Tatsuji Miyoshi
🖌️Koson Ohara

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For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds;
    Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.
ーWilliam Shakespeare "SONNET 94 "
.🎨Gustav Feith (1875-1951)

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.💫✨💫✨ 🙏

▪️ via Pinterest

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Notice that autumn is
more the season of the soul
than of nature.

 🎨Natasha Newton

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