

Hi I'm Izzy and I'm a nerd, artist, and bugkeeper. She/her. I'm just here to post my art and support other artists.

フォロー数:170 フォロワー数:72

An Uvuudaum from DnD 3.5e. Never played 3.5 but I read about a lot of monsters and loved the Uvuudaums a lot!

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I posted art of 's boy Tas after he lost his horn but somehow never posted the piece I did BEFORE he lost the horn! Oops! Well, here it is! No the horn is not natural. A Great Old One made it grow.

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Drew 's Tiefling, Tas! Guy lost his horn last session so I figured drawing a new icon was a good idea!

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My Thri-kreen Bladesinger, Lycaste! I modeled her after an Orchid Mantis

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More crazy Aasimar!Iophiel? Yes. Always.
(My art is not to be made into NFTs)

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What if the Radiant Soul transformation was horrifically violent? Well it is exactly that for my green-blooded Aasimar (who is my angel OC Iophiel adjusted for DnD).

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Did a drawing of my himbo elf DnD character, Aureus. After a 9 year timeskip, that is. Still a himbo, but a slightly more fearsome one!

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Playing Hoard of the Dragon Queen and my Warforged Barbarian got challenged to a duel by a Half-Dragon. She won, barely, and got his greatsword!

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A lovely piece ordered by . He wanted his dragon OC, Agnar, wreathed in fierce blue flames!

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Drew up my Warforged Barbarian, Junkyard, screaming her way into battle. Just a fun little thing I felt like doing.

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