

フォロー数:12839 フォロワー数:19807

To be with you, that is all what I want.

7527 17741

Find someone who stays,not who promised

2356 5554

Thanks for always staying with me and for managing to handle all my moods and for never giving up

534 1415

I only want this with you

4443 10230

Get a partner who's matured enough, to educate you. Matured enough to handle your attitude. Matured enough to accept your flaw. Remember, looks are everyday but a person with good mindset is rare.

17940 30595

I want to have cute pics with u

2338 5539

Days with you are always the best

8416 19813

i can’t promise to fix all of your problems, but i can promise you won’t face them all alone

6409 12384

It doesn’t matter where I am, as long as I’m with you, I feel safe and happy

5538 11806

I saw all your flaw and imperfection but it turned out that I love you more

6187 11788