

フォロー数:12839 フォロワー数:19807

The most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of your time and attention.

10470 19306

I don’t want you only in this year, but forever and following years

1294 2999

If a person really wants to see you, he does everything he can to get to you, no fears, no excuses.

3594 8568

You are more than enough for me

6245 14396

Not my best year but at least I have you

10104 20514

I don’t need anyone else because having you is enough for me

3083 6112

I am not the best but I promise I will love you with all of my heart

5500 11083

I like me better when im with you

1702 4113

The time I spend with you is the best time of the day

6359 14398

I love your eyes, lip, smile and especially you

3578 9003