

Move Slowly and Make Things
Pixels, Gamedev and more /// @photonstorm /// ilkke.net - ilkke.itch.io - ilkke.blogspot.com

フォロー数:2062 フォロワー数:7766

santa is essentially a reverse-burglar, don't @ me

6 40

Making SLICY w ✂️

It's a tiny tile-based image editor for your browser with a quadtree grid and PNG and SVG export

9 59

"Recon Party 7 Makes a Discovery"

4 27

The woods have eyes

5 40

To shade, or not to shade?

Messing with a firefighting roguelike w

50 367

Man, how good was Nick Offerman as the lion in Zardoz, amirite

2 22

Here are the layers for the curious

9 67