

Proud Dad, Content Creator, Old School SEGA, Virtua Fighter & Shenmue Fan!
Addicted to Women, 90's Hip Hop & Basketball!
#SegaSaturn #セガサターン #バーチャファイター #シェンムー

フォロー数:0 フォロワー数:3883

Justice Gakuen X Virtua Fighter

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Neon Genesis Evangelion Episode 23.
I wonder if Winning Fighter, Poyo Poyo II
and Saturn 2 are good games...? 😅

13 23

2021 was a crazy year!
I achieved 10K subs on YouTube.
A new Virtua Fighter game was released.
I bought a PS1, PS4 and XBOX SS.
Nas dropped two new albums.
Oh and we still fighting this COVID shit...
I have many plans for 2022 but the most important
one is, WE ALL stay SAFE! 🍀

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TYBW Arc announced for 2022.10! 🔥

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THIS still triggers me... 😅

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These 4 OMAKE images can be found
on the japanese version of
for the 😃

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You missed the most important one...
The one you did mo-cap for. 😉

1 7

Bleach finally RETURNS! 😍🥰

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