

#Ayanokoji ||Chill guy , here just for fun || 86 , COTE , solo leveling, kaguya sama , code geass , Aot, fate || Busy asf so....

フォロー数:749 フォロワー数:3051

Happy birthday to Yukino

8 26

SxF is so fun to watch

7 27

Summertime render and Made in abyss are the only God tier show this season

9 46

- a character who joined my favorites
- a character who stayed in my favorites
- a character who left my favorites
- a character who might be be a favorite

3 16

Anime is all about fan service these days 😔

1 43

Started 'To your eternity'

The anime is just amazing ,I am 2 episodes in and NGL the 1st episode itself made me reach my emotional level

8 32

This is a hot take but shoyo is the best teacher in anime imo

His smile is just so precious
His voice calms my heart
His pain makes my heart ache
His compassion to teach students inspires me and his loving nature made me fall in love with him

Souka Sonjuku solos

4 14

Naruto and kurama's bond is one of the best bonds in anime.

26 148

Why are always the squad members of the MC in isekai girls 💀

123 3425