

A Loyal Yuragumi
I make clips and stream really occasionally
PFP art by my kami oshi @YuraRikudou…

フォロー数:299 フォロワー数:148

Why you do this to Number 4

1 3

Watching latest ep of G-Witch be like
Why you choose to hurt me this way~

2 22

I feel ya
but I can't resist to not use this meme

0 4

The power of tongue of the three sisters~


4 15

It's okay Yura
The camera panning and the whole jumping around might be the reason...along with tiredness too
So rest up for now, you can always be a cat

0 0

Why you have to suffer this way

0 1

no OC but this is kinda me IRL
but im not as cute looking as what i look here
I look more potato than what it is

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