

she/her | Artist & GameDev | easily hyped about stuff | linktr.ee/just_deli

フォロー数:388 フォロワー数:922

Did you ever hurt your fingers while closing a piano? In my symphony, it would hurt a lot!

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Like the desert Snake, there is an Instrument hiding in the Swamps of the Piano Area in my symphony, so dont step on one or it`ll shoot you!

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Lets start the piano enemies of my symphony with the smallest one, a kalimba! its so cute

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The boss of the guitars in my is not happy about your visit, so bettet prepare for a fight!

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After a good musical Number, theres nothing better than SMASHING.

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Don underestimate this Trumpet. Its small but deadly. And it leads the whole Desert area in my Symphony.

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Is this a Sandstorm? No! It's just another Enemy of my Symphony from the desert.

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You better get out of the Way. Or get jumped on by this foe of my Symphony. We are still in the desert if you couldnt tell.

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