Yell in a Warさんのプロフィール画像

Yell in a Warさんのイラストまとめ

Probably Either Riding or Writing | Words @ Disney + Spotify + That One West Wing Spec Thread | What would Easy Rawlins do? 💖💜💙 MGMT: @HEROESnVILLAINS

フォロー数:2411 フォロワー数:16099

Mozilla Firefox OS 2.5

This cute foal has unfortunately been born with an extremely short neck, more reminiscent of a cow than a horse. Appears alert and playful despite what looks like a recent break in both hind cannon bones. Charming, give her a chance as a companion. 3/10

38 885

Messenger 1.0

Extremely large head. If not for tiny ears I would suspect this is a mule. Nice short back, but haunches underdeveloped. Possibly a weanling in an awkward phase. Pasterns and fetlocks appear abnormal, suggest radiographs before purchase. Turn out to grow up. 3/10

24 805

Emojidex 1.0.34

Appears to be from the same breeding program as previous prospect? Very concerned about congenital lack of eyes, parents should not be bred again. Has four limbs, but underweight due to lack of mouth. Swollen left hind, likely unsound. -10/10

59 998

OpenMojij 12.0

Believe it or not, this horse's lack of eyes may not limit athletic performance. Many blind horses do well under saddle. However, the missing right hindlimb will severely limit potential for soundness even as a companion. Discuss euthanasia with vet. -20/10

157 1568

JoyPixels (what is that?) 5.0

Very concerned about this horse. He appears to be missing several lumbar vertebrae and an old injury to the gaskin has healed improperly, leaving left rear leg bent at an unnatural angle. Appears comfortable, but likely only pasture-sound. 1/10

40 958

Facebook emoji 4.0

At last, some performance potential. Bright, alert eye, well-proportioned head and neck, good impulsion, and substantial heartgirth. Narrow-breasted, may be prone to shoulder lameness if worked over fences. Shows potential for English Pleasure. 9.5/10

106 1677

WhatsApp 2.19.244

Here we see the opposite spinal problem, lordosis, or "sway back." Common in senior horses, but this animal appears youthful, so likely a congenital defect. Very heavy on the forehand. Smiling, should have good temperament. Suggest as companion only. 4/10

37 1043

Samsung, One UI 1.5

This horse appears to have a severely roached back, also known as kyphosis. This genetic condition may not impair performance, but will make saddle fit a challenge. However, large haunch suggests powerful movement. Possibly suitable for cowhorse sports. 2/10

38 966

Microsoft, Windows 10 May 2019 update

This horse is lacking both mouth and nostrils, which could lead to exercise intolerance. Seems to have edema near the heartgirth, and tucked-up appearance at the barrel indicates dehydration. Colic a definite risk here. Do not purchase. 0/10

67 1250

Google, Android 10.0

This cheerful pony has a bright look and excellent impulsion. Disproportionately large left forelimb could lead to lameness. Gigantic head, likely heavy on the forehand. Probably not a dressage prospect, but could be good for children if well-trained. 8/10

84 1414