

if youre reading this, youre probably butthurt over smth i said

フォロー数:514 フォロワー数:311

SMT IV/A is my favorite in terms of art direction for demons tbh.

On one hand, some are drawn by Kamen Rider designers

on the other, there's a demon made with claymation

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Lelouch and Ange: both exiled royals

Ppl: wow, they should kiss

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It's a shame that the show is mid (although its VN is decent) and not even written as a power armor story- I genuinely love the designs of these suits.

Shindo's especially with the imposing color scheme he has going.

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There are subgenres to mecha. Super Robots and Real Robots.

Supers are what you make apparently a majority of mecha out to be.

Reals often are more about mecha being used as weapons of war rather than to save the day.

Dont say shit till you at least got that distinction down.

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