

Chaotic Neutral videos on Warhammer, miniatures and painting. Permanently confused. Ambiguous.

フォロー数:1400 フォロワー数:20766



it's me

I am a stretch goal STL, and frankly, I'm fucking awesome

seriously look how cool I am

19 324

I'm looking for this big-ass hand.

If anyone has one going spare I'll take it off your hands to turn it into a cosmic horror mega-gargant

4 99

I've literally already made my own version of the Resurrected Goliath 😂

6 112

I especially like these two. Stunning minis

15 279

I keep going back and looking at these. They're so unsettling and otherworldly, especially the wings. They look like something unnatural trying to be humanoid. I love it.

12 236

Well this is a fun surprise

10 421

this is the best Typhus art and I will be taking no comments or arguments at this time

11 331

just seen this big lad on reddit and now I want to make a model of it

10 151