

20↑| ukr/rus/eng/日本語を勉強します
Мне нужно где-то писать свои мысли об Арате и Кейичи, иначе я сойду с ума (уже)

フォロー数:4 フォロワー数:16

3. Eating ice cream ✅

Minami didn't buy himself ice cream since he doesn't like sweets, but he still wanted to try Arata's one for some reason... 🍨

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2. Fighting with water guns ✅

Even though Minami turned out to be pretty skillful at the game Arata still had a lot of fun as if he was the one winning. 🔫

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1. Building a sandcastle ✅

"Sensei, that's us" he said. 👬🏖

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Something like this 🥰

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I imagine AraKei kabedon would be like this 😆

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A kiss on a ring finger 💙

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Это то, что рисуют на メイドの日?

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When sensei's too busy 📚

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