

he or they.

We all fail, we all make mistakes, it’s what makes us human.

フォロー数:1179 フォロワー数:286

caelestis nocturnum.

7 18

[ ffxiv ] you know what? i'm glad we're getting another wave of love for haurchefant

31 50

From a Xemnas inspired Au Ra in August of 2021 to a smug Viera whom I love so much.

0 3

[ client work ] at some point, this was an art account, lol. anyway here's a piece i did for someone who wishes to remain anonymous

4 16

[ kingdom hearts ] post time skip riku "master of the dawn" with some ansem influences baybey

7 13

[ dragon ball ] second collab with the homeboy . again, he did the original traditional, and I colored it.

3 8

[ dragon ball ] ayooo, collab with a friend on another app. he did the original piece and i did the entire digitalization process.

5 12

baked macaroni and fried chicken i won

0 4

[ Commission ] The homie commissioned me to draw a Gijinka of his original Kaiju Coruyu, and we agreed on a Yakuza aesthetic for him!

4 8

Finally started Final Fantasy XIV the other day. Pretty happy so far with it, can't wait to get past ARR and get to the real deal.

0 10