


idk man
I sometimes draw gore and nudity, I will put warnings on those drawings

フォロー数:283 フォロワー数:102

Fuck vocaloid, all my homies listen to Synthv

Very rough drawing of Kasane Teto I made in celebration of the voicebank announcement. I might draw this again sometime at a much better quality

anyways I love her

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bütün Türkiye'ye geçmiş olsun

0 1

bitmedi ama yine de paylaşayım dedim
hepimize geçmiş olsun

0 1

I hath finished :)

The ocean calls me a fool
I’m nothing but a tool

10 49

happy new year! i like drawing women

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oh god i finally finished it
LATE christmas art of priscilla and puppy sif

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