

フォロー数:47 フォロワー数:145

thinks: i haven't understood anything he's said for the last five minutes. waveshaper? cross-modulation? what? ... what kind of music-makers' meet-up *is* this?

14 41





Happy Bastille Day! Georges Danton (Dogue de Bordeaux), Maximilien Robespierre (Papillon) and Camille Desmoulins (French Spaniel) (2 of 2)

2 14

Happy Bastille Day! Olympe de Gouges (Bichon Frise), Théroigne de Méricourt (Porcelaine) and Manon Roland (Standard Poodle) (1 of 2)

3 14

You know the one. Your mum loves it. (You love it too, because it’s great.) Commish of Cork and Cherry for mellowhen.

3 9

Is that supposed to be a cathedral, or… Sorry, yes, ma’am, I am paying attention. LP sleeve comm for .

1 6

Christgau called me a wimp and gave me a C-. I'm very upset

4 20

Frieda needs an internet break.

3 15

It IS healthy. Olive oil instead of butter! A commission for :)

2 16