

Supporters page:… | Formerly

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Thank you And everyone else so far for participating!

Apologies for the late post, been trying to work on other stuff too

This game will run a few more rounds, so retweet to enter and get a shoutout!

26 92

Fedge. Forgot her halo. Bonus pic for everyone!

35 138

She's fully nude now! Shout outs to , , and , among everyone else who has retweeted and participated so far.

Retweet any of the Luna pics to enter. Thanks to everyone who is is following and enjoying the blog

28 72

Another longtime supporter! Thank you !

The Dreams Queens have the most fun

Retweet any of the Luna pics and be randomly picked to be featured!

Or if you make some fanart, you can get a shoutout like Ajustice here

32 96

Happy Holidays from Equestria! Hope everyone's having a good one

20 94

One of the participants of the first Nightmare Moon game! Thank you

Luna confirmed to have some of Nightmare Moon's memories...

Retweet any of the Luna pics to enter!

And if you submit fanart, you'll be featured like Moonred!

15 51

Does the carpet match the drapes? Yes

(This is not one of the game posts. This is just a stupid idea I had. No need to retweet this one)

19 118

Thank you and everyone else who has participated so far!

If you weren't selected this time, you may be selected next.

Retweet and of the current Luna pics to enter!

And if you submit fanart, you're guaranteed to be featured!

32 132