

#DarkArt, #GothicLiterature, #Folkhorror - use #ofdarkandmacabre to tag your tweets daily & #FaustianFriday for the weekly topical event.

Hosted by @dirkpuehl

フォロー数:994 フォロワー数:8707

"I'll drown more sailors than the mermaid shall" (Shakespeare)


Welcome to a salty, sea-serpentine

RTs between 10am-10pm CET

🎨 Hans Christiansen (1897)

14 62

"This I do vow, and this shall ever be:
I will be true, despite thy scythe and thee." (Shakespeare)

🎨 Charles Robinson

19 88

"Turn each of your thoughts into a bird
And let them fly to the other world.
One is an owl, one is a falcon, one is a crow.
Each one is different from the others
But they are all the same in silence." (Rumi)

🎨 CappuccinoMP3

20 90

"For sometimes she comes with a hissing noise like a serpent" (Lady Jane Wilde)

Of young mothers, carried away by the fae as nurses for their offspring.

🎨 Sara Litland

21 87


Sam, one's other favourite cat, chose Frank Dean's "Irish Coast" (c 1890) for Conrad the Crow's background in this week's wallpaper to fly over while we collect tales from the insular Celts together with & this week!

10 30

"Fear and flee the wolf; for, worst of all, the wolf may be more than he seems.” (Angela Carter)

🎨 Mori Raito

67 238

Cuckoo, how long shall I live? - "Kuckuck in Hewen, wo lang schall ik lewen"

The calls of the brood parasite do not only herald Spring, its number heard from the wood indicate how many years one has left on this Earth.

🎨 Ede

18 76

Darkest Dearlings!

White Rabbit! White Rabbit! White Rabbit!

A dragon-lagomorph for Good Luck! on the month's first, properly shaped for a wyrm-themed and here to guide you into a delightfully darksome

Follow the White Rabbit!

🎨 azukioohashi

59 181

Eating fellow practitioners of the unhallowed arts at least in parts to absorb their talents is an ages old custom - Jealous Earl Heinrekr orders the heart of young Drauma-Jón brought to him for consumption to acquire his gift of divining dreams

15 51

Rind of a cheese made on the day of the Feast of Brigit from milk of a "guileless cow" fed on pearlwort protects after 12 months from the "wiles of the fairies of the mound". (Carmina Gadelica)

🎨 IrenHorrors

13 52