

Writer of KAMEN AMERICA, BLACK HOPS, HORROR NOVELS and MORE! Amazon author link:…

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Also, just as several Lupin III eras are clearly defined by Lupin's jacket color, several Scooby eras are recognized by Shaggy's shirt color.

Red and Green jacket/shirt are the most famous for both, while no one really cares for the Pink Jacket Lupin or White Shirt Shaggy eras.

4 22

I hope I die with the same renown.

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Windwaker Link was too pure for this world.

0 1

Also does the BEST Cajun accents.

1 11

Rewatching Darkwing Duck from the beginning (found a chronological listing) and I forgot about all the casual murder in this series. Hey how come YOUR Darkwing comics weren't a nonstop bloodbath? Just sayin', a little death never hurt anybody...

6 49

There are 3 types of people in the world:
People who say "Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku".
People who say "Hurricane Kick".
And the blessed people who say SAROOSIGHSASOOROOKEK!

8 46

Cyclops questions whether his marriage with Jean is legit after finding out Morph was the priest. I recall thinking that weird; like, they had to have a marriage license, right? But I realize now that he meant were they still wed in the eyes of GOD, not the law? Heavy stuff.

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