

Discord: psyknight

She/Her, They/Them

I draw creatures and characters

Beware, I follow both SFW and specific NSFW

フォロー数:1364 フォロワー数:203

It's here

A brand new evolution, perhaps THE definite Eevee evolution


You might have questions, we all do. Feel free to ask away about this wonderful perfect creature!

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Oh, hm! What is this...?

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Post four of your favorite Digimon and let people blah blah, you know the drill

If you saw the Pokemon one, your guesses are most likely correct here too

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Post 4 of your favourite Pokemon and let people assume things of you

Iron Valiant is mechanically one type away to live up to my username, but conceptually it does, so your assumption about my liking knights will be right

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Ribombee is not fluffy enough to truly extend Cutiefly's cuteness. I don't hate it, but Cutiefly is lovely

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Then consider the following:
- Marx Soul (Kirby)
- Rudy the Clown (Wario Land)
- Mr Rhyme (Pokémon. Would have suggested Blacephalon but somebody was faster)
- Jevil (Deltarune)

I'm also going to summon because he might say more and has designed his own clowns too

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By the way, this how my current pfp looks in detail

The marks on the cheeks are fleshy orifices that open and stretch to vent internal heat

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So, I just saw all the renders of MHWI of Rajang with the thumbs up

You know how the thumbs up gesture came from Roman and actually basically meant death?

I think this render in particular gets the idea right

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Diamond and Pearl is gonna be a hard one for me because these two exude strong swag

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