

19 // she/they // wlw // simply out here! simply trying my best!!

フォロー数:211 フォロワー数:29

EMERGENCY ADOPTS! some little babies for adoption, £3 each! dm or comment if interested <3 I need a little help getting by, any consideration is very appreciated!

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new kitkat 🥰🥰🥰 main sona!

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Congrats on the opening! And here is my Bull Boy and the bun!! Thank you for the opportunity and good luck everyone!!

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Hi! I’m an AFAB artist, will be opening for coms soon! Here are a few examples of character work, ft my friend’s character spork and a bat I’m currently working on! Thank you so much everyone who read my comment, I hope yall are having a lovely day and give these artists support!

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these look amazing!! gl to everyone:))

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Cow-boy!!!! CONGRATS ON 10K!!!

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Either of these babies!! Your art looks wonderful, your work with colours is genuinely stunning

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