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Alternative Timeline of MetalSlug.
Allen's training field.

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Bus stop and fan art of visual novel

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Team Marco secure Dr.Ecne and captain Lena, a former regular army drill instructor, and they evacuate this place.

A few hours later, They report what happened in front of their major general named Irema.

But, She said, "Don't worry, No pain no gain."

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Marco team attack to The Research Institute.

and They have discovered technology related to "Tuatha Dé Danann".

Next, they steal Stealth Helicopter.

ps. Tequila and his partner also helping Marco team.

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Female Commander in The New World.

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After Escape from The New Bastille, They arrive Resistance HQ.

Resistance Named "P.F. Squad".

Marco, Tarma, Eri, Fio greeting the Resistance group.

And, Marco meets Tequila and Misunderstanding him as a New Regular army soldier.

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Rebel 2 Rescue Tarma, and all Prisoners of The New bastille.

All copyright reserved by SNK.

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Security Robot Werewolf Soldier Heavy troop

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New regular soldier: We spot terrorists! Eliminate it!
Marco: OK! We must save our comrade and then destroy this place!
Tarma, Eri, Fio: Roger.


All copyrights reserved by SNK.

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