

Tarot-bound is a non-profit tarot deck/guide set inspired by AidaIro's TBHK || Written & Designed by @sevenofknives || Format & Illustrations by @03_theEmpress

フォロー数:39 フォロワー数:294

But wait, there's more!

Every deck will also include a complete set of stickers designed by our lovely artist, gcq.

Based on our Tarot-bound Queens, these holographic stickers make a cute addition.

Stay tuned for the official pictures of all extras!


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It's the last day! Are you excited?

Just look how excited our Magician is. Can you see it in that unimpressed frown?

He might be great at hiding his Clock Keeper status or the lengths he'd go to save the one he loves... but excitement? Nope.

It's written all over his face~

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Do you think our High Priestess sees how preorders turn out in that crystal ball?

Mysterious and alluring, hiding secrets and truths, Aoi isn't just a pretty face.

So be tempted. Venture into unknowns and let her energy guide you.

You might be surprised where you end up...

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Did someone say day 3? Yashiro seems a bit distressed, I hope she's ready!

The Empress is nurturing. She is flowers, crops, nature and fertility. A wholesome, loving energy that comforts and soothes.

The direct opposite of The Emperor, she loves unconditionally.

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Let the countdown commence!

With just 5 days left, The Hierophant, 5th Wonder and 5th card of our tarot, is a supportive mentor and keeper of secrets.

Though the knowledge he holds is useful it comes at a price.

After all, no one should know too much about their own fate...

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And with that, our 16 courts are complete!

I'm so in love with how they turned out, but more so greatful for gcq's patience when I changed things a dozen times or asked to completely redo cards.

Her talent and creativity have saved me more than once.

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The finished Cups courts!

We made sure every suit had a theme and likewise, that every suit told a story. Here, we see the main characters from the very beginning.

Keep an eye out for character progression in other suits after key events. There's so much to discover...

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Honestly, the rate of progress on the deck is truly astounding.

Considering the average tarot deck takes 2 years from start to finish, I'd say 4 months is a record.

60/80 cards complete!

We're dedicated to finishing soon, with only the highest standards of quality.

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Both Oracle cards have been completed!

These are a special addition included in every deck. Featuring different aspects of Amane and Hanako and how choices can alter characteristics.

Innocent dreams to selfish desires.

Of course, you're free to imagine your own meanings, too.

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Really happy with how these turned out! Some card meanings were tricky to translate through certain characters or recognizable scenes, but we pulled through.

The Four of Swords for example, represents the need for rest in order to recharge, whether you'd like to or not.

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