

Manolo Saviantoni aka The_Oluk: Pixel Artist
Realizzo Videogiochi, Poster, Video Animati e Illustrazioni, mescolando Cultura Pop anni '80 e Arte Digitale!

フォロー数:424 フォロワー数:1009

Ciao Ragazzi!
Oggi... sottolineo oggi... e ribadisco NELL'OGGI di un anno fa, usciva il videogioco ufficiale di "LOL - Chi ride è fuori".

Chi di voi ci ha giocato quando era "on-line"? Siete mai riusciti a completarlo? Fatemi sapere 😉

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...e per la rubrica VI MOSTRO QUALCHE ASSET, oggi è il turno di TAPPA E SCAPPA, l'advergame ufficiale della Boing App, dedicato allo show televisivo di Scooby-Doo and Guess Who?

Boing TV Advergames

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Robin Hood - Disney Classics
Poster in pixel art

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Baillie Gifford Early Careers - Technology Solutions Graduate Programme*

Pixel Art: *
Pixel Animation & Compositing: *
Client: Baillie Gifford

* 16bit parts only

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These are some of the assets that I designed for "RESCUE MATILDA" the ’s official video game. Project realized with my friend , and the Gamindo team!

🕹️Link in the first comment!

PS: In the last image, you'll find my first version of RM

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Beetlejuice... Beetlejuice... BEETLEJUICE!...
and PRESS START! v2.0 🤪🕹️
I had consumed the videotape by watching it many times! 😅📼💥

Tim Burton, Michael Keaton, Alec Baldwin, Geena Davis and Winona Ryder

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My first Powerpuff Girls videogame:
Flying Obstacles 💗💙💚

Available on: Boing App (iOS and Android) or Boing TV Ita and Esp

I hope to have respected graphically the show 😅

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My first Steven Universe videogame:
Train Steven

Available on: Boing App (iOS and Android) or
Boing TV Ita and

I hope I have respected this wonderful show!

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My first 🎮:
Running in the Woods

Available on: Boing App (iOS and Android) or and

Pixel Art:

I love your Bears!

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