

Naphorism on AO3 | he/him | “writer” is subjective | rampant Jason Todd thirst tweeter | Spock simp N°1 | longtime Logan sexualiser | 18+ | header by Luxos Mods

フォロー数:330 フォロワー数:1165



Jason age twelve being the same size as Dick age eight... augh... that's a huge difference at those ages... baby...

68 275

oh... oh, I am Filled With Lust

13 70

actually I can never believe it

3 16

hoping to become next in the long line of blonds biting Jason's bottom lip

3 17

sleep paralysis demon

1 21

I know these are just the same scene drawn by different artists, but the idea that Bruce scooted down in his seat and leaned toward Jason to make his shoulder a better pillow... that Jason felt safe enough to fall into deep sleep while napping on Bruce... I'll die

18 70

breedable waist (+canon high waisted pants)

1 2