

World traveler 🗺 Digital artist 🖥 SciFi nerd/Trekkie 🖖 JCer 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨

フォロー数:182 フォロワー数:813

I doubt that. But PLEASE be tempted 🙏 It would be SO much fun!! You know it would!!

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then i do my job right 😎😂

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I know that's not a lot but my brain goes "yeah but you just prepped 5 cutting matts, you should really finish them first". So dumb a** me gets up and works for another hour while drowning out the tiny voice that screams "sleep, coz you gotta be at work in 4.5hrs".

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Please share ALL the weird crack-fics you got saved. I LOVE whacky stuff 🤣🙏

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😱 ... and you call yourself a fan. Well, I hope you are ashamed of yourself.

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...but Mel's a little, cheeky monkey! 🥺 It's her spirit animal. 😂

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LOL well I wouldnt go as far as replacing Chakotay but... yeah, I wouldn't refuse him him much either. 🤭
I think we've gotta pressure Gemma more....

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